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Writer's pictureMichelle

How To Accomplish Your goals For 2023

Updated: Oct 26, 2023

Each year we get a new chance. A way to start over. Try new things, lose weight, exercise, read more etc. We all want to do all the things right?

The thing is, no matter what or how many goals we have, the important thing is knowing how to actually accomplish those goals otherwise, it's just all talk. I am going to enlighten you with the secret you have actually been looking for. The answer to why you never accomplish the goals you want. The reason why you just can't seem to get started.

Before you think "I know, its motivation. I have none." I am going to stop you there. It is NOT motivation. We all have motivation to want to do new things. We get all excited and make a plan and tell a friend and do all things but it still somehow doesn't happen.

Here is the real reason why you are stuck in your own demise.

The key to accomplishing your goals is changing your habits. We need to rewire our brain to do the things we don't normally do in order to accomplish the new things that we want to do. This my friends, is why many people do not actually succeed at accomplishing their goals. Our brains are programmed and are on autopilot. We can't just hit a reset button or unplug ourselves for 60 seconds and try again. We are way more complex than that. What we need to do is much more complicated. We need to know the reason behind what we want to change and why it would actually benefit us in the long run. We need to see the future of greatness of our achievements in order to put ourselves through the pain of the uncomfortableness we will be putting our bodies through in order to do something different.

Our human nature has now been designed to be comfortable and when we are not, we suffer. We self sabotage. We become depressed. We become negative. Ultimately, we go further away from our goal because we have decided our goal is too hard and we failed after only three days because we suck. We ruined the diet by going over 12 points and so we may as well just eat those nine cookies that are left because whatever, we already messed up so it doesn't matter. Right? We go in a downward spiral and don't know how to get out.

Sound familiar?

I know it does because I have been there too. I have had these thoughts all too often and if I don't keep my thoughts under control, I can get back there very easily. The reason why I have made so much change over the last two years, why my friends now call me "super mom", why the most common question I get these days is "How do you do it all?" is all because I changed my habits in order to accomplish the things I wanted.

The first thing I did was research on personal growth. I was having major anxiety issues and I was even diagnosed and put on medication. I knew I didn't want to rely on medication so I decided to find another way. I decided to learn about my anxiety and figure out how to handle it. I found Mel Robbins book "The Five Second Rule" and my life began to change. This book helped me change my habits and behaviors. It was the start of my journey.

My first suggestion for you is to start your personal growth journey. Take a look at yourself and decided what you want or need to work on internally within your soul. Do this before you decide you want to lose 50lbs or learn to speak Spanish. Figure out if you are totally happy with who you are as a person first. Figure out what selfcare habits you can make. Then you can begin to understand yourself better and you will be able to progress towards those other goals you have for yourself. As corny as it sounds, you need to believe in yourself first. You can do it. I promise!

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