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Writer's pictureMichelle

Finding "ME" Time

Who would have thought that finding time in the day just to do the things I want to do, would be one of the hardest things for me to accomplish?

I have three children, a dog, a cat, laundry, dishes and pretty much a ton of responsibilities just like many of you. However, one of the hard parts for me is that every evening, It is like I am a single mom. My husband works night. Therefore there is no, wait until dad comes home and he can help. From 3pm-11pm it is me and chaos. So yeah, finding time for myself to "just relax" is a little tricky as you can imagine. But I find my ways!

After school is a great opportunity for everyone to have a snack, settle in and then go outside to play. This gives me an opportunity to film or write while they are exerting any extra energy not burned at school. Then I add filming in little tid bits along the day. This is actually super helpful because it can make my videos more interesting to watch. I have plans for more videos like this so stay tuned!

I think the most important thing we can do, no matter what is going on in our lives, is making sure to find some time throughout the day to do the things we find fun and relaxing. My dog probably benefits the most because everytime I just need a minute before my head explodes, I will announce "I need to take Trinity out, be right back!" and I can usually sneak five minutes of silence to screw off on my phone and play "Woody Puzzle" (I'm obsessed!)

When my kids go to their rooms for bed, notice how I didn't say sleep, thats a joke!, this is usually when I try to snag some tv time while I fold laundry. Although, I am working on just sitting and watching instead of multi-tasking (thank you Gina!) I need to learn that while multi-tasking can be great, sometimes you just need to veg out! Or as the younger generation is calling it "Cough rot" ...Is that right?

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