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Writer's pictureMichelle

Being unapologetically you

Do you ever find yourself holding back in front of certain people? Maybe you don't laugh as hard or speak up in conversation. Maybe you find yourself looking in the mirror before you present yourself. Do you ever ask yourself why you do that? and why those certain people? Why does their opinion matter so much to you that you feel like you need to hold back who you truly are in front of them? Wouldn't it feel better to just be you?

I still occasionally find myself in these situations but I will say it is far less often than before. As I get older, I am making more of a conscious effort to stop worrying about what other people think of me and just be myself. I love to laugh even though I am loud. I love to speak my mind even when others don't agree. But there are some people who I come across that I find myself hiding those pieces of me. Why?

In the end, it is a me problem and not them. Looking deeper into why I feel this way has a whole lot more to do with my ego than theirs. Taking the time to recognize this behavior is the only way for you to improve upon it. It can be really scary to let others see your most truest inner thoughts. Yet here I am, exposing myself on the internet. I am pushing myself to do this because I know that it is the only way for people to truly understand my message and what I am trying to accomplish and that is relatability. When we relate to one another, we bond on a deeper level.

We all have inner thoughts. Sometimes, they may seem so far off than what we think others are thinking until we gain enough courage one day to say it to someone. Then we find out that they too have had those very same thoughts. We are all too scared to share because we are afraid of judgement. It's normal. At the same time, it is something we can overcome. I will say, the more I stick to my true self, especially around others, the better I feel over all throughout the entire day.

If you don't already have someone in your life that you can be completely yourself with, I highly recommend finding someone to build that kind of bond with. You won't regret it.

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