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Change your life

Before you come at me, read this!

When I say lower your expectations, I don't mean you shouldn't have boundaries. What I mean is stop expecting people to be who they aren't and stop wanting people to do things they aren't doing.

We all have people in our lives that may or may not be who they were when we met them. People grow and change and evolve. This also means that people may not act or do things you are use to. Maybe they never have and we are just sitting here waiting for them to be who we want them to be. This right here is what breaks people. This is what make YOU sad, not them.

The only person you have control over is YOU. This can be a hard pill to swallow but a necessary one if you are unhappy. You need to learn to move on with how you want to live life. What makes YOU happy? This doesn't mean you need to leave or cut people out. Instead, look at it as acceptance and even kindness.

Once you start accepting people for who they are instead of expecting them to act how you would, the sooner you can focus more on your own needs and behavior. Too many of us are sitting around waiting for people to change. Change is something we all do but in our on way and on our own time.

Start accepting people for who they are, and focus more on how you want to be. This my friend, is a huge step in the right direction of healing.

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Writer's pictureMichelle

Updated: Jul 10

This book was a perfect audio read! Gabrielle’s voice is intoxicating and really gives you the proper vibe in each chapter with her tone of voice. I’m so glad I decided to chose this book in the audio form!

I gave this book


Because it literally had every life aspect in it. Love, heartbreak, divorce, sex, tears, travel, friends, food and healing. I mean, what else is there?

If you’re in the mood for a wild ride, a new way to look at life and something to relate to, I recommend this one for sure!

Get your copy here:

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Writer's pictureMichelle

Being a mother of three kids and a preschool teacher, leaves me about... no time for myself! It is incredibly hard to carve out time for the things I want to do. But that is even more of a reason why I do it. I need to reboot and have down time without thinking of laundry, dishes and the dogs shit all over my backyard. I need ME time!

This past weekend, my best friend and I decided to get a hotel room and book an appointment at The Rage Cage. I cannot tell you how much better therapy this experience was compared to my sit down zoom session. (No offensive Maureen! I love you!) There is something about smashing plates against a wall and screaming "FUCK" that just releases tension in a way that sitting and talking about how people piss me off and don't meet the expectations that I have.

After our 30 minutes of rage and might I add, sweat sesh, we decided to get lunch. The restaurant we picked ended up sucking hardcore but it's okay there were no screaming children so we win. After that disaster, we checked into our room where we each laid in our queen beds with four pillows and we zoned out into out phones. Ah! pure bliss. Then we got changed into our bathing suits for the hot tub downstairs. No one was down there! Another HUGE win in my book! We got to be down there for a good hour before anyone else showed up. Finally, when a mother walked in with her three kids, we decided it was time to go.

We headed up to our room to shower, change into our jammies and order some door dash Wendy's. We may have also had a delicious gummy while we waited for our food! Yum! After we ate our delicious food, including frosty's because hello you can't go to Wendy's and not get a frosty, we curled up into our beds and again, endured pure bliss of nothingness while "The Wedding Singer" played from the television.

I cannot express enough how much I needed this and how amazing it was. We literally had the most chill weekend with no responsibilities. We both needed it and deserved it.

As do you I might add! I had so many women reach out to me about this mini getaway. The comments were things like "I wish I could do that." , "I need this kind of self care in my life! and "How did you manage to get away? I'm jealous!" Ladies! Please know that you can do this too! A staycation is pretty affordable number one, number two, if you have a significant other, talk with them about taking over the kids and the house for a night! They will live without you I promise! They will survive. I will admit the first time I went away was hard. But the more you do it, the more you realize that everyone will be okay without you and YOU NEED THIS! Don't let anything stop you. It is perfectly okay to want/need time away to reboot. Just because this isn't what they did in the 50's guess what? We don't live in times like that. Shit has changed...drastically. so don't let Nana or aunt maryanne tell you it isn't okay. Do what you need and hush out the noise!

Choose Happy!

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Hi! I'm Michelle!

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