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Change your life

Writer's pictureMichelle

Updated: 18 hours ago

When it comes to getting things done, I would say I have a hard time focusing for too long. I have never actually been diagnosed, but I wouldn't be shocked if I was told I have ADHD. I am a professional multi-tasker. I always have several things going on at once and I love to read three books at a time. People think I am crazy and well, I get it. I do not do things "normally" if there is such a thing. I like to have freedom and flexibility and go where my mood takes me. Hence why I embrace so much change all the time. While I am use to these ways, it does not mean that I get "more" done and it is not always efficient, but I do typically have fun. I'm not sure if fun is what other people in my life would call it, but thats okay!

With all that said, I am always trying to find a better way to get the things done that need to be done, daily. I have tried so many methods I am exhausted just thinking about it. The best part of all of these failed attempts are that I know the things that do not work for me and I know things that I like about keeping me on task. For example, timers are a saving grace for me. I know that if I really need to get shit done in a certain time, a timer will hold me accountable every time. I also know that I like check lists. My favorite app for this is GOOGLE KEEP (not sponsored).

I actually learned about this app from my friend Tim who once did a training on it at the private school we worked for at the time. I have never looked back. I keep so much information in this app. Back to the checklists. This app works like digital sticky notes all in once place. One of the features on these notes is a check box. My favorite thing about it is that after you check all of the boxes, you can press one button to uncheck them all and start again the next day, FRESH! I even use this for my grocery list since I tend to need most of the same items week to week and then I just add the difference on the end.

More recently I have decided to change up some of the check lists in this app to flow with a block scheduling. I have tried this method in the past but on paper. While I love pen to paper the most, it is not always the easiest to carry around but my phone is always with me. This works for me. When I wake up, I open the app and see what I need to do. I check off things as a I go and it helps me feel accomplished. My blocks are chopped up into 3 hour chunks. I find when I do larger chunks of time, it gives me time to have those interrupted moments where I get lost on my phone or someone took a knee to the pavement and need some love. I know that for me, I NEED wiggle room. If you make time blocks too short, it rarely leaves time for error and with three kids, we have errors!

I hope with me sharing my method and experiences, it can help you discover what does and doesn't work for you. Try out what you think might work and then tweak it as needed. The best part is that if something doesn't work like you thought, just change it. Don't dwell on it or make it a big deal or even change the whole method. Just tweak what needs to be tweaked. Maybe you need 3- 3hr blocks and one 5 hour block, then do that! There is no one waiting with a hot poker for you! Be flexible with yourself. Show yourself grace! And when something fails, laugh it off. I'm sure it is not that serious. Move on!

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Updated: 18 hours ago

I had a mom reach out to me the other day about her daughter and how she is struggling with separation anxiety being at school for the first time. Her daughter is starting Kindergarten this year, just like my son. I let her tell me all about how she was feeling so sad that she couldn’t do anything to help and how her daughter would often ask to get see her sister in the second-grade class so she could get a hug. While this is a great coping mechanism, it is one that cannot last forever.


My immediate thought was, print a family picture, laminate it and send it to school in the lunch box. This was it will be a nice comfort to have during an appropriate time of the school day. Separation anxiety is something many kids struggle with but often it is for short periods of time. The benefits they will gain from being away are so much greater.


In addition, being a teacher in the past, I highly recommend a short but sweet goodbye in the mornings. The more you hold on and let your child cling to you, or “get one more kiss”, “one more hug”, the harder it will be to let go and move on from the situation. Don’t let it dwell. When it is time to leave, say so. Do a proper goodbye and leave. Do not let your child manipulate you into guilt. They are SO good at it. Stay strong and move on. If your child really needs you throughout the day, their teachers/caregivers will give you a call. If you don’t feel that way, then you shouldn’t be bringing your child to that school to begin with.


Anyway, here’s to another back-to-school year! May our children learn many new things, and may you be able to eat a hot lunch all to yourself today!

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Welcome, dear reader, to a journey of self-exploration and personal growth through the power of self-reflection journaling. In today's fast-paced world, where the hustle and bustle often drown out our inner voice, taking the time to indulge in self-reflection can be a transformative experience. So, let's dive into my personal story of how embracing self-reflection journaling enriched my life and fueled my journey towards personal growth.

The Beginnings: A Quest for Clarity

Self-Reflection Journaling

As I sat down with a blank journal, pen in hand, I felt a mix of excitement and apprehension. The first step was always the hardest – confronting oneself. I began by jotting down my thoughts, feelings, and experiences without judgment or filter. The act of putting words on paper felt liberating, like unloading a heavy burden. Each journal entry became a mirror reflecting my innermost thoughts and emotions back to me, gradually unveiling layers of my identity.

Unveiling Hidden Insights: Connecting the Dots

Through consistent journaling, I noticed patterns emerging in my behaviors and thought processes. Themes began to surface, shedding light on recurring challenges and insecurities I had overlooked. It was like solving a puzzle, fitting the scattered pieces together to reveal a clearer picture of who I am and who I aspire to be. Journaling became a tool for self-discovery, guiding me towards a deeper understanding of myself and my aspirations.

Cultivating Gratitude: The Power of Positive Reflection

Incorporating gratitude journaling into my routine was a game-changer. Each day, I took a moment to reflect on the small joys, blessings, and achievements in my life. Focusing on gratitude shifted my perspective, turning challenges into opportunities for growth and setbacks into lessons learned. The practice of positive reflection infused my days with a sense of appreciation and contentment, fostering a mindset of resilience and optimism.

Embracing Vulnerability: A Path to Self-Acceptance

Self-reflection journaling also encouraged me to embrace vulnerability – to acknowledge my fears, insecurities, and imperfections without judgment. It was through these moments of vulnerability that I discovered strength in my authenticity and beauty in my flaws. By accepting and owning my vulnerabilities, I embarked on a journey towards self-compassion and self-love, building a stronger foundation for personal growth and emotional well-being.

Setting Intentions: Empowering Self-Transformation

As I delved deeper into self-reflection journaling, I began setting intentions for personal growth and self-improvement. Each journal entry became a roadmap guiding me towards my goals, aspirations, and values. By articulating my intentions on paper, I manifested my desires into reality and held myself accountable for my growth journey. Setting intentions empowered me to take actionable steps towards becoming the best version of myself, one journal entry at a time.

Celebrating Progress: Nurturing Self-Validation

Acknowledging progress, no matter how small, played a crucial role in my self-reflection journey. Celebrating achievements, milestones, and moments of growth reinforced my self-worth and nurtured self-validation. Each journal entry became a testimonial to my resilience, growth, and evolution, serving as a reminder of how far I had come and how much potential lay ahead. By celebrating progress, I cultivated a mindset of self-belief and empowerment, fueling my continuous quest for personal growth.

Conclusion: Your Personal Growth Awaits

In the realm of self-reflection journaling, I found a sanctuary for self-exploration, growth, and transformation. Through the pages of my journal, I embarked on a Journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and acceptance. Each entry was a stepping stone towards personal growth, guiding me towards a deeper understanding of myself and the world around me. So, dear reader, if you seek to embark on a journey of personal growth, I invite you to embrace self-reflection journaling as a companion on your path, a mirror to your soul, and a catalyst for your transformation.

Embrace the power of self-reflection journaling, and unlock the limitless potential within you. Your journey towards personal growth begins with a single journal entry – are you ready to take the first step?

Remember, the path to personal growth is not about reaching a destination but embracing the journey of self-discovery, growth, and evolution. Happy journaling, and may your reflections illuminate the path to the best version of yourself!

Let your journal be a canvas for your soul, a mirror for your reflections, and a guiding light on your quest for personal growth.

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Hi! I'm Michelle!

Wlecome to my page where you will find all things mom and crafts!

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