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Have you ever found yourself up late at night, drinking a glass of wine in your silk pajama pants wondering why so-and-so hasn’t texted you back? 

Who hasn’t right? Depending on your anxiety meter, we all have that inclination, however how tiny, that thinks about what someone else thinks about us. Did I lose you?

Let me put it this way, we care what other people think even if we don’t want to. If you have ever hesitated to make a decision in your life and someones face popped up in your head, it’s because you care what that person thinks. True, right? We all have people we care about, maybe live with and do life with and if we didn’t care about what that person thinks, we probably wouldn’t last long in that relationship. 

But what about that other kind of care. What about the kind that drives you nuts. What about the kind you talk about with your girlfriends all night long saying things like “Why didn’t he text me back?”, “Do you really think his work is that busy?”, “Why did she say it like that. Does she think I’m a bitch now?”

I could go on and on but I think you get it. Those examples are just basic fear of rejection. We could be worried about it with all kinds of people, not just love interests. The perseveration could continue for a while depending on how important we have deemed that person in our lives. Your friends might stage an intervention if you are not careful. 

But what about those of us with extreme, diagnosable anxiety? Those of us who may always keep Ativan on hand in case we feel that sudden panic attack take over? Those of us who worry about every word, facial expression, text message, email, and of course, ANY social interaction? those of us who know we are worthy of self-respect, let alone others' respect, yet we can't seem to keep that boundary? those of us who hang on every word and cry ourselves to sleep with trepidation, what about us?

We are the ones people would consider insecure, anxious driven and fearful. We are called names like crazy, sensitive or overwhelming to be around. We are the ones who people try to say “just relax” to us and they cannot understand why that doesn't work for us. 

Anxiety is the emotion that leads us to that validation. We want to be seen, known, loved, heard, accepted and all with unwavering understanding and most importantly, patience. We want to live a peaceful life with good people in it and seeking validation only wastes our time. 

The way I think of it is I came into this world alone and I will leave it alone. I am alone in my thoughts, feelings, and self-reflection. I am the only person in this world that knows the real me. All of me without judgment. Self-love is the only love I need to worry about.

I have learned to focus on what matters to me. I make time for what makes me feel the most fulfilled and natural. I engage in activities that bring me joy. I keep self-care on my priority list. I remind myself to stay calm and kind. I work everyday on becoming a better me.

You are only in control of you!


Moving on
Moving on

It is a new year!

Last year at this time, I thought I was going to have the best year ever. I thought about how I was healed and ready for growth. Little did I know it would be the year of my ultimate healing instead of growing. I still had so much to work on. Things I thought I would never admit came spilling out. It changed everything. 

It changed the relationships I had with those closest to me. It made me closer to some and farther from others. It made me question almost everything. It was my most challenging year to date. I learned a lot. One of my biggest takeaways from last year was that the more you hang on to the past, the more you stunt your future. 

The only way to move on is to address your issues, learn from them and use what you have learned to improve. Sounds so simple right? It is. But it’s not easy. Read that again. Those words are often used to mean the same thing, but they mean different things. 

Simplicity is when things are clearly laid out for you.

 “If you have money, you can buy things.” 

Simple, Right?

 But it’s not always easy to have money.

The same goes for your personal growth. It can be very simple to say,

“stop being friends with that person.” 

But it’s not easy to let go of your relationship with someone, even if they consistently upset you. 

Sometimes, even when we know what we need to do, we don’t take the steps to do it. Changing our habits and how we do things can help us reach all those other goals we want to accomplish. So instead of saying, “I want to visit 34 new places or lose 50lbs or read 100 books, I am going to take it back to I am going to make intentional decisions. Before I do something, I am going to ask myself, “what is my intention here?” 

I will still have my list of goals I want to accomplish, but I will have a different game plan of how I will make those goals happen. 

Mindset is everything. It can change how you do everything in your life. Mental health is so important. Just as important as physical exercise. This will be my focus for the new year my health. 

What will your focus be this year?


Writer's picture: MichelleMichelle

Breast Reduction surgery update
Breast Reduction surgery update

It's surgery eve for me! UPDATE: I have to be at the hospital at 9:30am. Surgery is due to start at 10:30am. It will take about four hours. I will then have at least an hour of recovery/wake up time. I am historically known to not wake up well from anesthesia. The two times I have been under before, I have woken up thrashing, screaming etc. Then once I am calmed down and figure out where I am, I start speaking gibberish. maybe third times a charm and I will wake up delightful! 🤣😂

Now for the questions:


1.) Am I nervous? I mean a little sure. As with any surgery there are risks and I hope everything goes well. Who wouldn't?

2.)Am I excited? Absolutely! I am SO looking forward to less back pain, cuter bras and being able to do Yoga poses that I currently can just NOT do. We laugh in class because the girls are just in the way! Nicole Curtin Driscoll I cannot WAIT to get back in class!!!

3.) How long is recovery? my dr. told me 4 weeks should be good but I am taking 6 weeks away from work because the population I work with can be unpredicatle so we are playing it safe and I am doing at least two weeks work from home. Thanks to my AMAZING team at work!!! I already miss you all!!

4.)Do my kids know? Yes! I am very honest with them about whats going on. Hannah asked if I am going to die so we had that conversation. And while this is routine and I ofcourse hope that does not happen, I trust you all to help John Mahoney and find him a new wife ASAP! I am one of those "yes please be happy when I am gone!" type of people. If I'm not here, don't let me hold you back from doing anything!!!

5.) What size will I be? What am I now? I am current wearing a too small size H but I refused to buy any bigger. I will go down to D or DD.

Addressing the comments that have been made:

1.) You're crazy big boobs are awesome! - Good for you for feeling that way, I agree they have some benefits but mine are far more than your typical "fun" DD's. 

So there it is, this is my update. Thanks for reading. John will update when he can. I will keep you updated once I can! 

I can’t wait to share the results! 

Now, on to en epic Nerf gun battle! 

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