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Change your life

Writer's pictureMichelle

Updated: Oct 26, 2023

This year has certainly been a year of growth for me. Its funny because I thought last year was the biggest growth year and then this year blew last year out of the water. I think thats the thing about growth, it's never ending. The more we seek it out, the bigger the things that happen and the more growth we see.

I have certainly made my fair share of mistakes this past year. I am willing to look back at them and reflect on why I made them and how I can move forward for this next year. For me, I like the idea of a fresh new start. The thing is, we can always make one when we want it! A fresh new Thursday, fresh new week, month, year, etc. Yes, we get to choose when we want a fresh new start. It is anytime. But somehow crossing over into a new year gets more people on the band wagon of a fresh start. That can be fun. You feel like you're not alone.

This past year I thought a lot about my own business and what I wanted to do. I changed my mind several times and watched so many videos on strategies and marketing and everything in between. I have learned so much. I have also learned that the only way to truly be successful, is to just be myself. So that is exactly what I plan to do. I am going to just do all of the things that I want to do. I want to have my own business and still be a business woman, but at the same time, I have learned that this also means I need to be doing the things that make me happy. I want to put out things that make me happy.

Here is to the new year and doing the things I love and sharing myself to the world. From this point forward, I am vowing to share more and do more things that I love and enjoy. I want to serve others who can benefit from the things I have learned . Maybe that means I want to be more like an influence? I am not sure how to define it. I just know I like sharing things that I do and helping those who need it!

Heres to 2023!🥂

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Updated: Oct 26, 2023

This common saying is essentially a cop out. It gives us the ability to stay the way we are and yet complain about why our life sucks. It is saying that we have no other way out so we will just accept it.

This mindset is so far off of what we teach the children in this world whether you are a teacher or not. If you are an adult, there are children who look up to you. You are modeling behavior for others whether you like it or not.

As adults, we know that there is always a way out. However, we put limiting beliefs in our lives. We know that change is not always easy and it is much easier to just accept what is happening and just complain about it to people we know will agree with us that there is no other way.

It is a trap that we either create for ourselves, or let ourselves get sucked into. Only you have the power to get out of it and change your current situation. You don't have to live unhappy. You don't have to wake up and dread the work day everyday.

I am not saying it is easy to change but making a small change everyday can help you get to where you want to be. You have to go out and look for it or do it. Without taking action there will be no change.

Writer's pictureMichelle

Updated: Oct 26, 2023

As a mother of three, you can imagine how little time I have to myself. I am always caring for someone else, including my husband. Some days it seems as if I don't even know who I am because I am running on auto pilot. It can be so easy to fall into that trap. It can be so easy to forget who you are and what YOU like to do once you become a mother. That is why it self care is so important. Self care doesn't have to be going to the spa. It could be as easy as taking ten minutest outside to watch the leaves fall from the trees. It could be that stretch session on the living room floor while your kids are at school and baby is napping. It could be waiting until everyone goes to sleep at night so you can sneak that glass of wine and trashy tv show. Self care looks different for everyone. The important part is just making sure that every day you do something for you.

When I neglect to provide myself self care, I find myself teetering on depression. I find myself with mom guilt, anxiety, and self loathing thoughts. Instead of making time for myself to build myself up, I will bring myself down and tell myself negative things. That is why I make time for self care everyday. Even if some days are smaller amounts of time. I need those moments to remind myself of who I am, what I want and how capable I am.

It is so easy to get caught up. Make sure you take that time out. It could change everything.

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Hi! I'm Michelle!

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