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Change your life

Writer's pictureMichelle

Updated: Jun 13, 2023

This book is for anyone who has ever struggles with depression, self doubt and maybe even self harm. This book opens up your eyes to a world that people don’t speak about all too often but is very real for many. Charlotte Davis is a young girl who struggles with self awareness and the ability to see her self worth. With no family guidance in her life, Charlie is in an institution until the money for her stay dries up and it’s time to go. Charlie is left with her own devices to figure out how to grow up and manage her own life even without the mental capacity to do so. This book will spark your interest, pull at your heart strings and ultimately allow you to see how the other half lives. Get it here!

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Writer's pictureMichelle

Updated: Oct 29, 2023

If you are someone who wants to be able to read more but doesn't seem to have the time for it, I am going to set up a challenge for you. All you need to do is carve out 30 minutes every day.

Think about the current schedule you have. What do you do after dinner is over? After the kids go to bed? How about right before you go to bed? These are the times I use to fit in my 30 minutes. If you can carve out just 30 minutes a day, you could start reading a book a week! That is 52 books for the year! Now this will obviously depend on how fast or slow you read but even if it takes you a day or two more, you will be reading far more than you ever were before and that is something to get excited about!

There are of course I list of excuses you could give yourself, "I'm too tired at the end of the night", "I just want to veg in front of the tv". While those are perfectly understandable and acceptable, I want you to think about how you feel when you are reading. How about when you are done reading?

If reading is something you really want to get back into or get started on, then you have to just start. If the nighttime doesn't work maybe you can read on your break, or in the morning before you get out of bed. There are so many options and 30 minutes isn't really that long. Set yourself a timer and get started. I bet when the timer goes off you might even read a little bit longer once your brain is reminded about how much you like to read!

Let's start with just 7 days in a row! Carve out 30 minutes per day for seven days. Either pick a new book or one that you have put down and never finished. You can thank me later!

Good luck! I am excited to hear how it goes!

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Writer's pictureMichelle

Updated: Oct 26, 2023

My friend called me "The Queen of the Side hustle" the other day and I must say, I didn't like it. Now I know she didn't mean anything by it, but it hurts because that is the last thing I want to be known for. But it's also my own fault because that is what I have been doing. I don't want it to be this way but I have been trying to figure out how I can be my own boss. It is a tricky part of life for me right now; having three young kids and all. I need to put them first and therefore I take on things that will serve them first. Being a mother requires you to do that. That is why I am okay with it for now but I am still on the search to find exactly what will make me happy. For me, it is writing. I have always wanted to be one and never fully took it seriously until recently.

Therefore instead of searching for a freelance writing position, I am going to make my own. I will put out the content that makes me happy. Sure it may not be financially rewarding, yet, but someday maybe. The content that I only hope can help someone else out as well. That is why I will continue this blog, continue my YouTube channel and just document my life and share what I am doing in hopes it will help inspire someone else to do the same.

You see, we all get to decide. We get to decide what we want to be, where we spend out time and energy and not everything has to be about the money. I want to be a writer because it makes me happy. I want to share my voice, my thoughts and my experiences in hopes that it helps someone else make a better decision for themselves. In hopes that what I say and share will make a difference and encourage someone to step out of their box and be something they have always wanted. I think when we scroll by these influencers on TikTok and think "Wow, look at what they are doing. Look at all of their followers", many of us just wish we could have the same thing. The only difference between them and us is that they are putting themselves out there. They are posting without thinking and they are doing their thing. They aren't worried about the judgement. They get to be whoever they want.

Judging someone else will not get yourself any further in life. Being yourself will.

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Hi! I'm Michelle!

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